Assembly | Two to 400 conductors laid parallel in one plane. Max. width of cable 6 inches, length of conductors not specified. For flat Conductors min. 0.002 in., max. 0.010 in. thick; min. 0.010 in., max. 0.50 in. wide. Min. space between adjacent conductors specified as follow (round and flat): round conductors w. 44-30 AWG, flat conductors width with 0.010-0.050 in., min. space between conductors - 0.005 in.; 29-25 AWG, 0.051-0.100 in.,space 0.010 in.; flat conductors width with 0.101-0.200 in., space 0.020 in.; 24-20 AWG, 0.201-0.500 in., space 0.050 in.. |